spies of Pandavas told them about Dronacharya's plan to kidnap
Yudhishtara alive. The minute Arjuna heard it, he turned to
Yudhishtara, his eyes serious. 'As long as I alive, even if Lord
Vishnu himself helps Dronacharya, he will not be able to take you in
the battlefield!'
next day Dronacharya led the Kaurava forces and Arjuna protected the
Pandava forces. The fight between Drona and Arjuna was so evenly
poised that for some time it almost seemed like the two armies were
not moving. Whatever Drona did, Arjuna countered it and anything
which Arjuna did, Drona nullified it....
Drona had a breakthrough and he fell upon the Pandava forces.
was massacring the troops so ruthlessly that they ran from the very
sound of his chariot.
that Dronacharya had broken into the Pandava army, it was a day of
single battles.
First, to stop Drona, Yudhishtara and the other warriors rushed towards the
Acharya. The Kauravas came to the protection of Drona.
and Sahadeva, Bhima and Vivinsati, Salya and Nakula were having a
spirited battle, with one another. In another part Dhrishtaketu and
Kripacharya were fighting each other. The two Yadavas – Satyaki
(who fought on the side of the Pandavas, because he was disciple of
Arjuna) and Kritivarman, were having a vicious one-to-one battle.
Elsewhere King Virata was fighting with Karna's son. Drupada was
fighting with Bhagadatta and his son Shikandin was fighting with
son Lakshmana fought with Kshtradeva and Paurava fought with
was about to kill Paurava when a warrior cut off Abhimanyu's bow and
arrow. Abhimanyu pulled out his sword and jumped down the chariot and
was brandishing it around destroyed everyone and everything in his
no time, Paurava was facing the sharp edge of Abhimanyu, completely
incapacitated. Abhimanyu was about to raise his sword when Jarasandha
picked up a sword and attacked Abhimanyu, or atleast tried to attack
was already down and Abhimanyu lost all interest in fighting him and
he turned his attention to Jarasandha. The two fought brilliantly but
then Abhimanyu had been trained by Krishna and Arjuna. As Jarasandha
came forward to penetrate Abhimanyu's shield, in one swift attack,
Abhimanyu cut off Jarasandha's sword. Jarasandha was so shocked that
he actually stopped the fight and ran back into his chariot.
then Salya in order to protect Jarasandha threw his spear at
Abhimanyu. Wonders of wonders, Abhimanyu caught the spear right in
air and threw the spear down and pulled out his own sword. In no time
Abhimanyu was before Salya's chariot and he broke Salya's chariot and
also killed Salya's charioteer.
angrily picked up his mace when Bheema intervened. Bheema knew that
in a mace fight, few were Salya's equal and besides Abhimanyu had
done more than enough damage. Taking his nephew's place, Bheema came
forward with his own mace...
was said that sparks flew when Bheema and Salya's mace met in the
air. They both fought brilliantly but for a very short time. Bheema
had a ferocious strength was able to quickly render Salya
unconscious. Bheema was coming forward to the kill, when Kritivarman
dashed forward and took the unconscious Salya in his chariot and
drove him away.
this Vrishasena, Karna's son could take it no more. From deep inside
the battlefield he came forward and he did a brilliant job of singlehanded protecting the Kaurava troops who were now about to run
away from the battlefield from fear of Bheema. Vrishasena rallied the
Kaurava troops so well that the soldiers fought back and now the
Pandava army was on the edge.
Nakula's son, came forward and he fought with Vrishasena. However
Vrishasena was a better warrior and he was about to incapacitate
Satanika when the other sons of Draupadi (Satanika was the son of
Nakula and Draupadi. She had five sons with the five Pandavas who
were called as UpaPandavas and were referred to as the sons of
Draupadi.) came forward to protect their brother.
came forward at this time and he attacked the sons of Draupadi with
his own legions.
the confusion, Drona made his way towards Yudhishtara.
tried to defend himself but then he was not in the same class as
Drona. Drona quickly cut off Yudhishtara's bow and angrily came
forward when he was stopped by Kumara. Kumara was a prince of
Panchala (presumably the son of Drupad and the brother of Draupadi)
and he was given the job of protecting the chariot wheels of
fought like a man possessed that day. He nearly pushed Drona back and
destroying the Kaurava troops, like the God of Death. But then this
was Drona, the very man who had taught Arjuna. Though Kumara fought
with shades of brilliance, in no time at all, Drona killed Kumara and
without losing his focus made his way towards Yudhishtara.
his way towards Yudhishtara, Drona injured Nakula, Shikandin,
Satyaki, Uttamaujas and even the sons of Draupadi and pierced their
armour. But then today Drona had no time for the rest of them. He
just pushed across and moved towards Yudhistara.
another prince, tried to stand up before Drona. But then Dronacharya
killed Yugandhara and without taking a break moved on towards
Yudhishtara. Singhasena and Vyaghradatta (another prince of
Panchalas) tried to protect Yudhishtara and lost their life to Drona,
on that day....
for one brief moment, Drona stood right in front of Yudhishtara's
chariot, his arrow poised and ready pointing right at Yudhishtara.
Dronacharya was about to fire the arrow when to his surprise he saw
that the arrow broke. Surprised, Dronacharya turned and saw two dark
men coming towards him in their magnificent chariot.....
Arjuna and Krishna came forward, there was not a breath to be wasted
as Arjuna fired the arrows so fast that it was not clear as to when
he pulled out the arrow and when he shot it. Krishna drove the
chariot, weaving in and out of the Drona's army so beautifully that
he almost placed Arjuna's target almost in direct line for Arjuna's
vision.....The entire division of Drona was filled with arrows as
Drona's division could see nothing ahead of them.....
Arjuna would have routed Drona and his troops that was day was
anybody's guess, because it was the moment that the sun set. Drona
and Duryodhana realizing that nothing more could be done today, called
off the day's fight....
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